Thursday, March 15, 2012



Unknown said...

Un tel genie et pourtant plein d'humilite, de temps en temps il parle comme un enfant.
Il restera toujours des choses a apprendre de maitre Giraud.
Il vivra toujours dans nos coeur et alimentera toujours notre imagination.
Thanks for sharing!

Adrian Fernandez Delgado said...

il semble hereux..
aurrevoir maitre!!

Ravi Gupta said...

thanks for this lovely post!

Patrick Awa said...

This is very cool clip that I never seen before(even though I don't understand French)!
Thanks for the post!

Hope you are well, Luc!

patrick mate said...

Quelle fantastique video!
Quelle homme fabuleux.Une sensibilite a perdre haleine.Merci Luc

Mariza juegos de vestir said...

Merci pour ce super post, vraiment un grand artiste.

annette said...

On ne peut que s'incliner devant tant de sagesse , de talent et d'humilité !!!

Luc Desmarchelier said...

Thank you all for stopping by. I'm still grieving the loss.
One cannot over estimate the influence he had on the culture. A true genius.
I'm glad the internet allowed us some glimpses into the man as well. This short video is a precious insight into the mind of a great artist at work.