Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Gouache on Paper. 1995. Copyright Universal. 


  1. Luc, you can do no wrong. Please tell me you've had a bad drawing in the past 20 years.

    You color is used wonderfully to point to the action / story. Kudos.

  2. Engaging angle and the color is always spot-on.

    Thanks for showing the old stuff.


  3. Waoh ! It's very beautifull ! Did you d that for a movie? Wich one? It's a great work!!

  4. Lovely painting. The composition and lighting really pulls you in.

    Great stuff!

  5. Hi Armand,
    Thanks for the visit and the kind note. It is always funnny and surprising to me, to find a word here from somebody I actually see in person almost daily.

    Hi David,
    Unfortunately, you are sadly mistaken in your assumption. I can do a lot of wrong and do it everyday. In fact the ratio is about five to one, and even the good ones are the result of a painstaking process of false starts and lousy looking intermediate steps. Trust me, I wish it wasn't so. Still thanks for the praise.

    Hi Shane,
    I can't show the stuff I've been working on in the recent past yet, so I'll keep digging up some of the old stuff for a while. Glad you like it.

    Hey Ju,
    This was for a movie adaptation of 'Cats' (the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical based on ' Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' by T.S Elliot)

    Thanks Tom,
    It's meant to be a cat's point of view.

    Cheers to All.

  6. This is absolutely gorgeous Luc, colours and perspective are amazing!

  7. This is absolutely gorgeous! Reminds me of NY.


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